What to Eat If You Have Peptic Ulcers

Peptic ulcer patients should follow an easy-to-digest, low-acid diet. You should also stay away from things like hot food, fatty food, acidic food, coffee, and alcohol if you want to keep your symptoms at bay.

Helpful Diet

Some suggestions for a healthy diet for those with peptic ulcers are as follows:

Make sure to eat modest meals often throughout the day. Reduce the quantity of acid in your stomach by doing this.
Heartburn and acid reflux are symptoms that could develop when stomach acid flows backward into the esophagus.
Stay away from tomatoes, citrus fruits, and spicy meals to keep your acid levels in check.
Please avoid fried meals and fatty meats because of their high-fat content.
Give up the booze and coffee.
Include a lot of fresh produce in your diet. Because of their high fiber content and moderate acidity, fruits and vegetables might benefit stomach lining health.
Hydrate yourself well. One way to lower stomach acid levels is to drink enough water, which is good for your health in general.
Some meals and drinks that can help those who suffer from peptic ulcers include:

Useful Food Suggestions

Fruits: fruits including bananas, apples, pears, berries, and melons
Veggies: sweet potatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, celery, carrots, and leafy greens
Grains which include oats, brown rice, whole-wheat bread
Meat: poultry, seafood, tofu, beans, eggs
Dairy products: curd, low-fat milk, yogurt
Sip on some water or herbal tea.

Prevent Peptic Ulcers by Staying Off the Keto Diet

A low-carbohydrate, high-fat eating plan, the ketogenic diet, has been trending upward in popularity as of late. Weight reduction is one of its most common uses, but research has also shown that it helps with inflammation and blood sugar regulation

People who suffer from peptic ulcers may not be good candidates for the ketogenic diet, though. Inflammation of the stomach or duodenum can lead to the development of peptic ulcers, which are visible sores. They develop when there is a mismatch between the acid in the stomach and the protective mucus lining the duodenum and stomach.

A variety of gastrointestinal side effects are possible with the ketogenic diet, such as:

Enhanced generation of gastric acid
Reduction in mucus production
Postponed emptying of the stomach
Peptic ulcers can become worse or even more common as a result of these changes.


Also, those who suffer from peptic ulcers may find it challenging to adhere to the ketogenic diet. Because of the high-fat content, some people may have digestive issues, nausea, and vomiting when following this diet. Also, constipation is possible due to the diet’s low fiber content.

A visit to your physician should precede any attempt at the ketogenic diet. You may get advice on how to manage your peptic ulcers while following the diet and find out if it is safe for you to do so from them.

You should see your physician about the optimal eating regimen for peptic ulcers if you suffer from them. To alleviate your problems, they can assist you in developing a personalized strategy.

About Dominic E.

Film Student and Full-time Medical Writer for ContentVendor.com